Coming Soon

The Emirates Desert Raceway sprawls like a golden ribbon across a vast expanse of simulated dunes, capturing the essence of the world’s largest desert. The track begins atop a towering sand dune, where marbles roll down a smooth, golden slope under the shadow of a weathered sandstone arch, embodying the beauty and challenge of the vast desert landscape.

After launching from the dune, marbles face The Compass of Fate, a giant spinning compass. Its golden needle turns unpredictably, throwing marbles off course and messing with their positions. The shifting spins make it tough to maintain speed, and some marbles may even tumble into the sand pits if they’re not careful.

As marbles race through the desert, they encounter The Rising Rodent Guardians, a series of tall, smooth pillars shaped like giant mice. These pillars rise and fall unpredictably from the sand. Marbles must carefully time their movements to avoid being knocked off track or slowed down by the pillars. If a marble hits one, it might bounce or get stuck, losing valuable time. The erratic timing and smooth surface of the pillars make this part of the track tricky and challenging.

Finally, just before the end, marbles come to The Bridge of the Twelve Eternal Guardians, a swinging bridge that stretches over a deep, sandy pit. The bridge is old and creaky, swaying left and right. On either side, twelve ancient knights stand, watching silently with swords raised, adding an eerie atmosphere to the final stretch. Only the chosen marble will survive this final challenge and emerge as the victorious marble in this race.